Friday, November 26, 2010

Why I Wear a Mask and Superhero Costume

There are many people who make fun of me and others like me for the simple fact that we wear super hero costumes. I don't blame you for it; I remember doing the same thing when I first heard about people trying to be real life superheroes.  But what people may not realize is that there are a good number of reasons why we wear the garb that we do.

  1. To Protect Our Identities - For those of use who actually try to thwart crime, we conceal our identities from people we are likely to piss off, who may want to exact revenge on us or those we love.
  2. For People to Take Notice - Many real-life superheroes do not fight crime, or they also do charity work or work as activists for causes they feel strongly about. It's a lot easier for people to take notice when you stand out by wearing unusual attire.
  3. To Attract Attention - The costume attracts attention, plain and simple. When we intervene at times to keep people safe, it diverts the attention of attackers away from the victim and onto ourselves. 
  4. To Keep From Being Shot By Cops - We wear the suits to distinguish ourselves from criminals. That way police do not accidentally shoot us when they arrive on scene.  
  5. To Conceal Body Armor - It is necessary for many of us to wear protective body armor. The suit helps conceal this so that those who would do us harm do not take notice and redirect their attacks to less protected areas.
  6. It's a Symbol - The uniform is an easily-recognizable symbol of the ideals we represent. Today's culture is accustomed to seeing superhero-like attire and perceiving it as serving a higher purpose, a greater good. It's no different than when you see a policeman, soldier, or firefighter.
  7. It's Not About Us - Wearing a suit takes our real selves out of the equation. If we wanted fame or recognition, we'd take off the outfits. 
  8. It Empowers Us - A lot of people might not be brave enough to do what they do without the costume. It empowers us to do things we might not have otherwise done.
  9. It's Fun - Lastly, it makes the job more fun, especially for the kids. We're not always about fighting crime. It helps us develop rapport with citizens and kids. 
That is why I wear a crazy ass uniform. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grim News

Thanks for dropping by. I'll be adding posts and material here to give you a better understanding of what it is I'm doing and who the hell I am. That should help clear up things and provide a great place for me to easily immortalize stuff in words in case I find myself repeating myself (like Mr. Ravenblade found he had to do -- thanks again, sir!).  Keep checking back...

Stay fancy,