
I wouldn't be doing the real-life superhero community much of a service if I didn't address some of the many topics that come up on a regular basis here. This page is my attempt to do so, and I will try to cover what a real-life superhero is, why I do this, and what makes me think I am qualified. Hopefully after reading it you will get a better understand of me and those like me (though I cannot speak for anyone but myself).

Real-life superhero is a term applied to real-world people who dress or act like comic book superheroes. Sometimes, this label is bestowed upon them by those whom they have helped or the media, while at other times, the aspiring superheroes apply the label to themselves. --Wikipedia
There are many reasons one uses a superhero persona and costume/outfit/uniform for this. For one, a person in costume can get more attention raised towards the causes they have adopted than can a regular person. For some, the costume empowers them to do things they might not otherwise do. And for others, it is simply a way of protecting their identity, and therefore protecting their families and friends from harm.

Why I Do This
There are a million reasons why I do this. Number one is that the cops cannot be everywhere at once. I do not try to do their job, I am simply there to help people when they cannot be there or when no one else around will help. I have seen first-hand many times where someone was victimized in front of many people and no one did a thing. People always tell me to let the cops handle it, but what are we to do if no one will call the cops?

The other reason I do this is because I have accumulated a very specific skill set over the years that I cannot use for anything else. I have been involved in martial arts for years, and I spent years in the military. The skills I learned while enlisted are skills that have no carry-over into the real world unless I decide to go into law enforcement or security. Since I don't want to take that path, I have taken another. I do not want my skills and talents to go to waste. Why not use them to help others in need?

Fighting crime is just a small part of what I do. Many RLSH's do not fight crime. They simply do charity work or activist stuff. I do those as well, as there is more to helping others than just catching criminals or preventing people from harm.

My Qualifications
This is dangerous work, people are all-too fond of saying. I don't disagree.  They say people like me will only get hurt doing this. My reply is, how do you know I am not qualified to do this? How do you know I am not trained to do this?  It is no different than being a bouncer, bodyguard, bounty hunter, or security guard.  A lot of times, those professions require little to no training at all.  I know for a fact that many bouncers are hired because of their size only, or because they know someone. The fact is that I am trained, and highly so. While it is normally in my nature to be humble, I feel it is necessary in this instance to be transparent with my skillset so people can trust in my abilities.  Here is a list of my skills, and please keep in mind I am not trying to impress, only to present facts.
  • Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) Green Belt Instructor
  • Head combatives instructor of my unit in the military
  • I was officially given permission by a Black Belt Hall of Fame member to create and implement my own martial arts training program and to start my own school
  • 3 deployments to the Middle East and countless patrols under more dangerous circumstances than the streets of Seattle
  • Distinguished Graduate in a military Leadership School
  • trained in force continuum (i.e. use of non-violence to diffuse situations)
  • experience in parkour 
  • professional mixed martial arts experience
  • highly trained against weapons to include knife and stick fighting
  • the humility and wisdom to work with and not against local law enforcement and to help them do their job
I could probably list more, but that should be enough to illustrate my point. I am only here to help and do good in this world. I have been inspired to take action and hopefully by setting a strong example I can help others get the courage to do good as well, even if it's just being able to pick up the phone to call 911 or help a fellow human in need.